Ezra recently switched from using burlap and a tapestry needle for his embroidery (I talk about how we do this in the book) to wanting to do it 'just like mama' with a regular embroidery needle and linen. I've been a little reluctant about this change - because truthfully, I don't always have the patience required for rethreading the needle (again and again), and untying the inevitable knots (again and again).
This weekend he asked to start a new embroidery project - a woodpecker he wanted to trace from a nature guide. There was so much detail in the lines that I internally groaned at the future mess of knots I'd be untying, and instead, I tried to steer him towards a different project entirely. But he asked again, and with a gulp, I got it ready for him. When it was ready, he cozied up with it by the window watching the snow fall, took a deep breath as he began and said to me, "Mama. It's a good day for embroidery, don't you think?"
I'm grateful for my weekend lesson from my little teacher. While the reality is that my day today is filled with errands, details and a 'to do' list that also makes me internally groan, I'm happy to take a little reminder from Ezra - to sit with my morning coffee and do a little embroidery with him before starting the day. It is, indeed, always a good day for that.