Today starts a 30 day photography project for me here. A project that will let me explore my camera a bit, take some shots I might not otherwise try, focus the 'writing' part of my brain on my manuscript, and mix things up a bit here on the blog (coming up on three years soon! gotta shake things up sometimes).
But my overwhelming wish and motivation for this project is that it will be a part of really seeing. Because what's happening right now - right this very moment in my family life as these three little ones grow, learn, and explore so very much each and every day - it feels really special...and fleeting. And I really want to see it, in the slow tiny, simple, and very ordinary moments that make up each day.
There's been a great deal of inspiration leading me up to this little project - amazing photographers, authors, and artists who document the 'everyday' in simply beautiful ways. So in addition to the photographs, I hope to share a bit of that with you as well. And I'm very happy to say that I'll have some excellent company on this journey, as my dear friend Jessie Fields will be playing along too. I cannot wait to see what she sees.
So cheers to the little moments, and thank you for coming along!