Yup, I made this skirt so I'd have something else to wear with the green shoes. I love it almost as much as the shoes, but not quite. I really love those green shoes. The vintage fabric is one I found a few weeks ago thrifting. I didn't use a pattern per se, but I traced from another recently made 'favorite' skirt but made the flare a bit smaller, since a girl can only do so much twirling before she gets dizzy.
I know you'll ask for a tutorial. Trust me. You don't want a tutorial
from me. My directions are so vague that it would amount to: "measure,
trace, cut, sew". Not helpful.
By the way, has anyone noticed anything about most of my hemming? Anyone? Anything? Alright...I'll fess up. I'm SUPER lazy about handsewing. Don't like it one bit. Hence the rolled hem (thank you, serger), the rickrack, the bias tape (above), or whatever othe shortcut I can come up with to avoid handsewing. My dirty little secret is out. I cheat at hems.