It's December and Santa's in town. (Forget that we don't even do "Santa"...he's still found his way into Calvin's repertoire of characters). I'm glad my kids are as into holiday crafting as I am (or perhaps they're just humoring me). It's been kid-craft central here this week--glue, glitter, scisors and tape, ponpoms, and lots more. Not a single stitch sewn on my machine. (yikes!)
First, there was the wrapping paper-making on butcher block paper. And the gift tags with stamps and glitter followed (there's no time for taking picture when glitter's involved).
And then some serious snowflake production. I love making these because no matter what you do to them, I think they turn out beautiful. Perfect for the confidence of a four year old with sciscors. (Oh, and I got "directions" here from Martha, because I forgot how to make them!). They are now on every window in our house. Every window.
And then the pompom garland, with great inspiration from Heidi. There will be more made for the tree--arriving this weekend.
And then there's Christmas on the Farm to prepare for. Some garland for the house, trees to make and decorate, and some freshly fallen snow too.